Four Times When You Need to Do Absolutely Nothing (and… the Origin of the New Year’s Day)

Sometimes the Best Laid out Plans…

Sometimes the Best Laid out Plans…

We just returned from an amazing family vacation to Florida. We have been to Florida many times, but in all of our visits, I realized that we have never gone snorkeling. My kids have snorkel goggles and swim around the pool in them, but they have never gone ‘real’ snorkeling,…
The Exhilarating Peace of Freediving

The Exhilarating Peace of Freediving

I’m one to think a lot at night. Probably why I don’t get enough sleep. There’s just so much to think about. Even the most irrelevant things start to stress me out, like my future, my essay topic, what I am going do after high school, how I am going…
Schedule Time for Play

Schedule Time for Play

One of my favorite resolutions—but also kept with great difficulty—is to Schedule time for play. I often get teased about this resolution, because people think it sounds incongruous, and even silly, to schedule time for play. Play should be spontaneous, right? Aren’t we naturally alert for opportunities to have fun? Why…
Life Is like a Painting

Life Is like a Painting

Whenever I start a painting, I have no idea where it will take me. Often it’s just a sense of something…An impulse that wants to be expressed. A sensation or feeling that longs to be acknowledged or felt. I don’t even know what it is, just this itch in my…
Boosting Creativity through a New Hobby

Boosting Creativity through a New Hobby

Living a creative life can be rewarding. Whether you are following purely artistic pursuits, or include elements as part of a more commercially-driven career, creativity helps to make the world a more interesting place. However, that’s not to say that your imaginative instincts are always going to be available when…
5 Creative Mindsets to Boost Your Fashion Designs

5 Creative Mindsets to Boost Your Fashion Designs

Your mindset profoundly shapes your art and creativity, especially in dynamic fields like fashion design. Because of this, it is important to work on your creative mindset and experiences to ensure your art develops alongside you.  From embracing cultural influences to integrating cutting-edge technology, the right mindset can propel your…
How Gratitude Can Help You Build a Positive Mindset

How Gratitude Can Help You Build a Positive Mindset

Image Source - Have you ever thought about how gratitude can improve your positive mindset? In today’s world, it’s easy to feel less than others, especially with social media. But, focusing on what you’re thankful for can be a game-changer. Studies show that practicing gratitude can change your thoughts…